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The ultimate family adventure park
Experience adventures where the imagination takes you 2000 years back in time to the world of the Torah and the Christian Scriptures. Ancient Israel, Babylon, Egypt, are real, filled with fascinating exhibits, rides, streets and venues.
In June 2007, a scale model of the Park was made and place in our offices in Orlando. This has been a excellent reminder of our commitment to build the park and reach thousands of people who normally will not go to a church. This attractions will make people aware of the bible, bring them to live in the time of Jesus, and at the same time enjoy a adventure park full of rides and great musical and performing events. We pray that many will be blessed and touch by this experience.
East side
This is a view of the park from the east side. We can see the Babylon and Egypt lands near to us. Noah's Ark, Babel's Tower and Joseph's Brothers piramid are the primary focal points of this side. The small road in white follow the path from the entrance of the park all the way toward the Salomon's Temple on the upper right corner of this picture.
West Side:
In this side we can see from left to right and in front the Roman's Colliseum, the Paul's Damascus mount and the Revelation's Scrolls. In the middle of the park we can find the Seed of Redemption Castle in front of the big square where the Fountain of Forgiveness is located. These views are part of the Israel, Rome and the Future lands.