**PLEASE: Translate each page from english** . AITorah Sitemap -- Our Congregation: Ministerio Messiahs Kingdom (Spanish) Use Control-D to bookmark this page
Thanks you for your request, let us know how things are going
in your life and the miracles that God is doing with you.EMAIL US:
May the Lord Bless You and your family. See how God still answers prayers like yours.
Silvia:She is asking to pray for her father who had bronquitis. We are declaring complete restauration of health to him and his family and to bring him to the Lord Yeshua (September 2013).
Adolfina: Many problems with intixication for termit control repent. We hope in the Lord our Elohim for complete health in her longs and that she will be able to work again in the name of Yeshua (August 2013).
Lourdes: She was diagnosed with lung cancer and went for surgery with very little hope of recovering. After several
weeks of recovery she is now in full remission of the cancer and expecting to live a normal life. Her sister in law Socorro
said:” That was a miracle, we were ready for the worst and God came through with His mighty force”(June 2013);
Rebecca: She got very sick with chronic intestine infection. She said to us -“I’m feeling very week but
I have a strong faith in God”. Weeks later she was still in the hospital in the Intensive Care Unit, suffering from
acute pain with pre cancer in her intestine. One month later God totally healed her and she is going to church every Sunday.
Her relatives told us to convey their thanks to all of the Prayer Warriors. (April 2013)
Ronny: His seven months old boy had an open heart surgery. His church made several fasting and prayer chains to prepare
for this very delicate and dangerous procedure. After God touch the hands of the surgeon who operate in his boy, the operation
was a complete success. His mother wrote: “God changed my atheist husband in to a believer using this painful moment
and brought my family together again. I thank everyone who prayed for my little baby. You made the difference.”(March 2013)
Carlos and his wife Francia: Separated from his wife in un friendly terms, their marriage was in shams . They wanted
to divorce and go away from the church that brought them together in the first time. Now less than 4 months later God has
reunited and made them a more beautiful couple. They are a shining example of how we should give time to God to fix relationships.
Nothing is impossible for Him.(January 2013)
Denise: She got a new job with better working conditions. She said to us -“The time of God is perfect, and
he has a plan for everything. Thanks for your prayers”
Cherisse: She got a new job with relocation expenses and she is moving to Ohio, Her husband was transferred from his
job in New York to an Ohio store. She wrote: “It was a blessing when they offered me relocation expenses , since I was
almost broken”(December 2012)
Luis: Separeted from his wife in friendly terms. “She even paid my car insurance, I just could not believe it”
he expressed. God blesses people in ways we can not comprehend (November 2012)
Vilma: Her mother was struck down with terminal cancer, she got healed completely. She wrote in her postcard: “My
mother is doing well , this is a miracle that God has made…..I would like thanks fro all your prayers.”(June 2012)
And many more. Elohim answers prayer everyday.
We as Messianic Jews that love Elohim, read the Torah ( The Scriptures) everyday and follow all it's commandments: the Law of Moses (without the sacrificial laws), embracing the Sabbath and Biblical Festivals and the Commandments of our Savior Yeshua Hamashiach (Jesus Christ) as a guideline for successful living as christians.
Messianic Jews love Elohim and use the original names of the Hebrew Bible (Tanack) in their daily prayers and in their congregations. The words "Jesus" and "Jehova" are not the original names that appear in the Hebrew Bible or the Greek New Testament. They are transliterations that all have use for so many centuries that almost become true. The real names are Yeshua and Elohim.