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Knowledge of Scripture in Torah
1.The Old Testament (Tanakh) Scriptures are completly reliable? Part1
2.The Old Testament (Tanakh) Scriptures are completly reliable? Parte 2
3.How was the Early Congregation?
4.All the Gentiles in Early New Testament were proselytes
5.Know what is the Earliest Manuscript of the New Testament
6.The Wrong Interpretation of Second Chronicles 7:14
7.Where is the Resting Place of Peter and Paul?
8.The Observance of the Torah, Key Element of the practices of the Nazarene Messianic Jews
Yeshua and His message
1.Know Yeshua - Jesus the Messiah
3.Should we give worship, honor, glory to Yeshua like we do to YHWH - God?
4.Prophecies fullfiled by Yeshua in the Tanakh - Hebrew Bible
5.We are Jews by Faith in Messiah
6.Yeshua's 3 Year Ministry in Israel in Detail
7.Miracles of Yeshua in detail
How to live as Nazarene Messianic Jews
1.What is a Nazarene Messianic Jew?
2.How to live as a Nazarene Messianic Jews
4.Its on Shabbat, not on Sunday, said Yeshua
5.How is a congregation - synagogue suppose to be?
6.Doing Tevilah -Baptism in Yeshua's Name
7.There is an obligation to recite the Shema
8.Mezuzah: Remembering Elohim - God everyday
9.What is the Aaronic Blessing (Numbers 6:22-27)?
12.Elohim?s kosher food: healthy living
13.We should always keep His (Elohim) commandments (1 John 3:21)
14.Which day is the correct way to celebrate Passover (Pesach) 14 or 15 of Nissan?
15.Details of Circumcision in the Torah - Bible
Salvation / Conversion
1.How do we receive Salvation (Born Again)?
2.How am I sure of my Salvation in Yeshua?
3.Predestination, nor election
4.We do not obtain Salvation by keeping the Law of Moses, but...
Torah's Laws
1.The Law of Moses was never abolished
2.Oral Law: The biggest stone of stumbling to understand Yeshua s Message.
3.Missunderstood "Works of Law" in Galatians 3:10
4.613 commandments of YHWH in detail
5.Why and How to Pronounce the Name of YHWH our Elohim
Prayer and Spiritual Battle
2.How to get answers to prayer
6.Yeshua the Messiah: our model to a prayer life
7.The key to a powerful prayer
8.200 Great Torah - Bible Scriptures on Prayer
9.The Spiritual Battle of the Beliver
Ruah Hakodesh - Holy Spirit
1.What does the Ruah Hakodesh - Holy Spirit do in our lives?
2.What is the Ruah Hakodesh - Holy Spirit Baptism?
3.Do all Nazarene Messianic Jews received the Gift of Tongues?
4."False Ruah Hakodesh - Holy Spirit presence" in a Church - Tabernacle
5.How the pentacostalism excesses are influencing Messianic Jews Ministries
Issues found in Torah
2.We should never judge other belivers
3. Abortion is never an option, unless...
4. Money and Wealth in our Nazarene Messianic Jews life
5.Marriage, Divorce, New Marriage
6. What does the Torah - Bible says about Parenting?
7. YHWH loves homosexuals and Lesbians, but not what they do
8. Occult and New Age are against the Laws of the Elohim- God
9.The Misunderstood Purpose of Angels
10. Should Messianic Jews worry?
Our sole purpose in life is to love and glorify Elohim, read the Torah everyday and follow all it's commandments through the Hebrew roots of our faith
We comply with what our Lord Yeshua said in Matthew 28:20 "Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you" and only then you could be "persuaded in your own mind."
Therefore, "Let no man therefore judge you in food, or in drink, or in respect of an holiday, or of the new moon, or of the Sabbath days" (Col 2:16)
In these pages you will find how you and us as Messianic Jews- Nazarene following the whole Torah applying it to real life and live a successful and meaningful existence as observants of Torah, answering all our questions through it and through Yeshua the Messiah.
Messianic Jews - Nazarene love Elohim and use the original names of the Tanakh - Hebrew Bible in their daily prayers and in their congregations. The words "Jesus" and "Jehova" are not the original names that appear in the Tanakh - Hebrew Bible or the Greek New Testament. They are transliterations that all have use for so many centuries that almost become true. The real names are Yeshua and Elohim. Read More
I am a Roeh, husband, blogger, businessman, lover of YHWH and Torah observant.
We, Nazarene - Messianic Jews, are committed Jews who love Elohim, read the Torah everyday, follow all it's commandments: the Law of Moses (without the sacrificial laws), embracing Shabbat. Biblical Festivals and the Commandments of our Savior Yeshua Hamashiach as a guideline for successful living..
We are composed of both Jewish and non-Jewish members who are commited jews
See our Statement of Faith
Jerusalem Council: Global Association of Orthodox Jewish Believers in Messiah Yeshua
Jewish Calendar with Holy Days (UMJA)
The lunar month on the Jewish calendar begins when the first sliver of moon becomes visible after the dark of the moon
Today's Date in Hebrew: